Event Date: 24-Dec-2024
Updated On: 26-Dec-2024
Total Video(s): 1
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Description: Christmas is a season of giving and sharing joy. It is a celebration commemorating Jesus Christ's birth. This celebration gives a unique message of joy, happiness, and optimism, and Santa Claus tells us to hold onto the magical spirit of innocence throughout our lives. The Pre-Primary students of DPS, Shaheedpath, kicked off their Christmas celebration on December 24, 2024, with a class party and vibrant class activities. When Santa Claus arrived dancing to the sound of jingle bells, the kids were ecstatic and happy. It truly added to the lively and joyful atmosphere.The most exceptional way to close the year and start a new one with open arms was to do this. #dpslko #dpsshaheedpath #merrychristmas